Top 3 Factors to Focus while Making Data Center Investment

With data security becoming critical for more companies, many of those companies are turning to off-site data centers to securely house their critical systems.

When data center facilities provide an increased level of security for sensitive data of a company, you must know that all data center service providers are not equal in their security standards. Many of them offer different types of security measures while again many of them are simply better than the rest.

So, while looking for an off-site data center for your business, it is vital to find a provider that fits the needs of your organization. Different companies have their different sorts of security needs and that is why finding a center tailored to your needs will ensure the best security at the best possible cost.


Data security needs differ from company to company. There are three things every organization should look for in a data center before making data center investment. Data center service providers may offer a list of other security options and these are the 3 fundamentals of data center security.

Multiple Locations: When it comes to securing client data or other sensitive data, a data storage facility with multiple locations across the country will give some positive leverages. The most evident leverage is redundancy. With multiple secure locations, an extra layer of security exists, giving protection to your data. When data is replicated in more than one location, disaster recovery becomes an easy issue.

Data Center Compliance: It is very important. Data center compliance is the most wanted and varieties of compliance types have their variety of level of importance. For instance, SAS 70 type II data center compliance is the most widely recognized auditing standard for colocation and data storage centers. It has become almost necessary for any company looking for housing their data off-site.

SAS 70 is a 3rd party audit of the data facility. It gives users measurable assurance that security methods are truly being followed and stuck to. There is no guessing at how secure your data center really is when you have got this stamp of approval. Critical and sensitive data are stored at a data center with the conviction that they will be safe and secure at all odds. The quicker you understand it, the better.

Secure Facility: The security of your data is only as important as the security of the facility it is housed in. If you are searching for a data center, take a close look at the security features available within the physical premises.

For critical data of an organization, make sure they are entrusted on safe hands. There are many data centers offering a suite of premium security features at different pricing levels. Go for one or two as per your necessity only after getting wise of their service features that make the most sense for your business. For more knowledge, you may consult with expert data center investment consultants.