Enroll for the Exclusive Data Center Training and Certification Programs to Become Expert in the Field of Data Center

Very often, personnel who are IT trained are thrown into the data center where they have to deal with power, cooling, fire suspension, and other facilities-related matters for which they have never been formally trained. This is a huge risk as the data center is at the heart of any business and even a small mistake can lead to fatal consequences. Training is paramount in any organization as employees are one of the most important assets of a company. Thus, to become a data center professional, one has to go through proper data center training programs.

Data center certification courses are based on a ladder elevation scheme and certified by globally recognized organizations. Let’s take a look at the courses in the data center training programme,

  • Data Center Infrastructure Specialist (DCIS) – 2-day certification course
  • Data Center Engineering Specialist (DCES) – 3-day certification course
  • Data Center Operations Specialist (DCOS) – 3-day certification course
  • Data Center Technology Professional (DCTP) – 3-day certification course
  • Data Center Operations Manager(DCOM) – 5-day certification course
  • Data Center Infrastructure Expert (DCIE) – 5-day certification course
  • Data Center Expert (DCE) – 8-day certification course
  • Data Center Manager (DCM) – 8-day certification course
  • Data Center Authority (DCA) – 11-day certification course

data center training

After completion of these courses a person will be able to:

  • Criticize data center vendors, consultants, and suppliers
  • Validate data center safety and security measures
  • Learn applicable data center standards
  • Identify and understand the latest data center industry trends
  • Choose the ideal site and building for the data center
  • Implement effective data center operations regime
  • Optimize data center documentation such as operating manuals, policies, SOP, etc
  • Learn data center cloud possibilities, assessments, and requirements
  • Understand current and future business needs and transform them into data center specifications
  • And much more

The data center training and certification courses are very important for executives, data center owners, managers, operators, specialist, subject matter experts, engineers, consultants, designers, architects, and project managers. These courses cover the full breadth of data center causes of downtime, standards, building, construction, power, cooling dire, EMF, and lighting all the way to design scalability, security, safety, labeling, documentation, SLA (service level agreement), OLA (operational-level agreement), and others.

Thus, to become a data center professional one has to go through these training courses and get certified. If you want to join the data center and become a data center professional, then you can definitely attend the data center training programme.